Illustrator 2021 compatible
The following plugins are now compatible with Adobe Illustrator 2021:
- AxoTools
- Cleanup Tool
- Concatenate
- Cutting Tools
- Nudge Panel
- Select Menu
- Square Up
- ToolShed
Other plugins may work as well. Just copy them into into the Plug-ins folder of Illustrator 2021. There’s no guarantee, but they probably will work. The first time you launch Illustrator with the older plugins present, you’ll see a dialog like this for each plugin:

Click the button “Yes, load it” to load the plugin. Illustrator will remember your choice, so you will not be asked again.
If you have trouble with an older plugin, simply remove it from Illustrator’s Plug-ins folder.
It’s an known issue that the panels may be larger than their contents. It’s easiest to fix this by setting the UI scaling to its smallest settings in Preferences > User Interface. More information in this post regarding UI issues in Windows may apply.
As always, please let me know if you encounter any problems with the plugins, or if you care to offer suggestions for improving them. I like feedback!