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  1. Egor Chistyakov
    September 26, 2020 @ 11:52 am

    I am as old as Adobe Illustrator. When Rick felt the need for the specialized tool to build his extremely detailed illustrations I was but a toddler. My road to the design started with a miracle — the exhibition Design in USA (the result of an agreement between our Mikhail Gorbachyov and Ronald Reagan in the year I was born. Four years later, in 1989, it arrived in Moscow and later to my home town, at the other side of the country. Theoretically I could have seen something there that could have been designed by Rick himself or with the tools he built. Even if it’s not the actual fact, it’s a possibility.

    Rick’s dedication to his craft and the passion he shares encourage me greatly in my own efforts to design. I am amazed with tool developers and I wish to pursue the same goals.

    And now, after years, I am very humbled to be a tiny part of this mighty powerful tool. My tasks are not as grand as what Rick draws, but I am extremely grateful for the incredibly smooth approach and solid results I give thanks to his and Ron’s magic they managed to finally build.


    • Rick Johnson
      September 26, 2020 @ 12:23 pm

      Thanks, Egor, you’ve been a valuable AxoTools beta tester! I also should give you credit for much of the functionality in the new Extrude tool. You used it in ways I wouldn’t have thought of, and your enthusiasm for the new features encouraged me to keep trying until the things on our wish list actually worked!

      Thanks to feedback from you and others, I’m eager to make AxoTools better in the near future.

      And yes, Ron Kempke did the math that enabled so much flexibility in projection angles, has been quietly working in the background with more math magic for upcoming capabilities I honestly never expected to see possible in an Adobe Illustrator plugin. Thanks, Ron!


  2. Danny Lee
    September 30, 2021 @ 2:02 pm

    very interesting read. thanks! recently i was in need of creating isometric drawings to show a client a 3-D representation of their packaging. i actually went and used the old-school method of the scale/shear/rotate method. i remember first learning this back int he mid ’90s when i had an internship at a design firm in pittsburgh. two of the designers that were creating all the isometric drawings for the company steelcase’s catalog. they showed me this method and i actually still remember it today (well, i did have to look up the vertical scaling percentage though, as i forgot that exact number).


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