ToolShed adds Isolation menu items

Object > Isolate
- Begin Isolation: With nothing selected, Illustrator will enter isolation mode at the top level of the current layer, ready for you to paste or create new art. With an object selected, Illustrator will enter isolation mode as usual, except that if the object type cannot be isolated by Adobe Illustrator, it will be placed into a temporary folder and that folder will be isolated. Note: Only one item at a time can be isolated, so if you select multiple objects to isolate, only one of them will be chosen to isolate.
- Isolate Parent Object: If the item you have isolated is part of a group, this will isolate the group that contains the currently isolated art.
- End Isolation: This works exactly the same as the native Illustrator counterpart, but is included here to allow you to assign a keyboard shortcut or include it in an Action.
When recording Actions, use Insert Menu Item to include these functions.
These new menu items are FREE, no activation required.