Clipart for Adobe Illustrator

Isometric cylinders
1″ x 1″ x 1″, rotated in 15 degree increments around X, Y and Z axis.

Isometric cubes
1″ x 1″ x 1″, rotated in 15 degree increments around X, Y and Z axis.

Isometric nuts and bolts
Nuts, bolts, screws, washers, lock washers, grease fittings, cotter pins, etc.

Dimetric primitives (15 degree)
Cubes, ellipses, etc. as well as instructions for projecting art to this view.
If you do a lot of axonometric, or even orthographic, drawing in Adobe Illustrator, you may consider investing in CADtools from Hot Door Software. After years of scaling and projecting things the hard way, I’ve come to really appreciate the ease with which scale technical drawings can be done with CADtools.