Magick++  7.0.10
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 2000, 2001, 2003
4 //
5 // Demo of text annotation with gravity. Produces an animation showing
6 // the effect of rotated text assize_t with various gravity specifications.
7 //
8 // After running demo program, run 'animate gravity_out.miff' if you
9 // are using X-Windows to see an animated result.
10 //
11 // Concept and algorithms lifted from PerlMagick demo script written
12 // by John Christy.
13 //
15 #include <Magick++.h>
16 #include <string>
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <list>
20 using namespace std;
22 using namespace Magick;
24 int main( int /*argc*/, char ** argv)
25 {
27  // Initialize ImageMagick install location for Windows
28  InitializeMagick(*argv);
30  try {
32  string srcdir("");
33  if(getenv("SRCDIR") != 0)
34  srcdir = getenv("SRCDIR");
36  int x = 100;
37  int y = 100;
39  list<Image> animation;
41  Image base( Geometry(600,600), Color("white") );
42  base.depth(8);
43  base.strokeColor("#600");
44  base.fillColor(Color());
45  base.draw( DrawableLine( 300,100, 300,500 ) );
46  base.draw( DrawableLine( 100,300, 500,300 ) );
47  base.draw( DrawableRectangle( 100,100, 500,500 ) );
48  base.density( Point(72,72) );
49  base.strokeColor(Color());
50  base.fillColor("#600");
51  base.fontPointsize( 30 );
52  base.boxColor( "red" );
53  base.animationDelay( 20 );
54  base.compressType( RLECompression );
56  for ( int angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 30 )
57  {
58  cout << "angle " << angle << endl;
59  Image pic = base;
60  pic.annotate( "NorthWest", Geometry(0,0,x,y), NorthWestGravity, angle );
61  pic.annotate( "North", Geometry(0,0,0,y), NorthGravity, angle );
62  pic.annotate( "NorthEast", Geometry(0,0,x,y), NorthEastGravity, angle );
63  pic.annotate( "East", Geometry(0,0,x,0), EastGravity, angle );
64  pic.annotate( "Center", Geometry(0,0,0,0), CenterGravity, angle );
65  pic.annotate( "SouthEast", Geometry(0,0,x,y), SouthEastGravity, angle );
66  pic.annotate( "South", Geometry(0,0,0,y), SouthGravity, angle );
67  pic.annotate( "SouthWest", Geometry(0,0,x,y), SouthWestGravity, angle );
68  pic.annotate( "West", Geometry(0,0,x,0), WestGravity, angle );
69  animation.push_back( pic );
70  }
71  cout << "Writing image \"gravity_out.miff\" ..." << endl;
72  writeImages( animation.begin(), animation.end(), "gravity_out.miff" );
73  // system( "animate gravity_out.miff" );
75  }
76  catch( exception &error_ )
77  {
78  cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl;
79  return 1;
80  }
82  return 0;
83 }
class MagickPPExport Color
Definition: Color.h:16
void annotate(const std::string &text_, const Geometry &location_)
Definition: Image.cpp:1845
void density(const Point &density_)
Definition: Image.cpp:651
STL namespace.
void strokeColor(const Color &strokeColor_)
Definition: Image.cpp:1390
void boxColor(const Color &boxColor_)
Definition: Image.cpp:455
void fontPointsize(const double pointSize_)
Definition: Image.cpp:872
class MagickPPExport Geometry
Definition: Geometry.h:19
void writeImages(InputIterator first_, InputIterator last_, const std::string &imageSpec_, bool adjoin_=true)
Definition: STL.h:2818
void fillColor(const Color &fillColor_)
Definition: Image.cpp:784
void draw(const Drawable &drawable_)
Definition: Image.cpp:2785
void animationDelay(const size_t delay_)
Definition: Image.cpp:352
int main(int, char **argv)
Definition: gravity.cpp:24
class MagickPPExport Point
Definition: Geometry.h:198
Definition: Blob.h:15
MagickPPExport void InitializeMagick(const char *path_)
Definition: Functions.cpp:43
void depth(const size_t depth_)
Definition: Image.cpp:691
void compressType(const CompressionType compressType_)
Definition: Image.cpp:628